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Sample Lessons Using Universal Design for Learning

Sample Lessons Using Universal Design for Learning

Part III offers a blueprint for delivering lessons using a Universal Design for Learning (UDL)... Read More

Climbing Wall: Periwinkle Rescue

Climbing Wall: Periwinkle Rescue

Students use balance, weight transferring, movement concepts, upper-body and lower-body strength, and endurance to traverse... Read More

Growth-related issues specific to young dancers

Growth-related issues specific to young dancers

Young dancers experience challenging physical changes during adolescence, typically between the ages of 11 and... Read More

Abdominal stretch demonstrated

Abdominal stretch demonstrated

Execution: 1. Lie prone with your palms on the ground and your elbows bent and... Read More

Understand the mechanics of turnout

Understand the mechanics of turnout

Turnout of the legs is used in movements performed by ballet dancers. There are a... Read More

Who should use the Bigger Faster Stronger readiness program?

Who should use the Bigger Faster Stronger readiness program?

Although many athletes will be ready to jump right into the BFS set - rep... Read More

Master standard and sport-specific auxiliary lifts

Master standard and sport-specific auxiliary lifts

Auxiliary lifts are special exercises that are sport specific and help prevent injuries common in... Read More

Understand strength and conditioning technology

Understand strength and conditioning technology

If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. If you can’t manage it, you... Read More

Shift to a growth mindset and unlock your full potential

Shift to a growth mindset and unlock your full...

I harbored a fixed mindset, which is the belief that traits and abilities are fixed... Read More