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Figure out your nutrition strategy

Figure out your nutrition strategy

Figuring out your nutrition strategy means finding a way of eating that best suits you.... Read More

Learn basic squat form and variations

Learn basic squat form and variations

The squat is a knee-dominant movement that involves deep flexion in the knees and hips.... Read More

Nutrition Before Resistance Training

Nutrition Before Resistance Training

The main purpose of the preexercise meal, consumed within an hour or less before resistance... Read More

Protein in Exercise and Sport

Protein in Exercise and Sport

Many people think that since muscle fibers are made up of protein, building and maintaining... Read More

Dehydration and Hypohydration

Dehydration and Hypohydration

Whereas dehydration refers to the process of losing body water, hypohydration is the uncompensated loss... Read More



There are six groups of nutrients: carbohydrate, lipids, protein, vitamins, minerals, and water. Alcohol is... Read More

What Are Coaching and Sport Instruction?

What Are Coaching and Sport Instruction?

Coaching and sport instruction have a long and storied tradition, extending back as far as... Read More

Physical Activity: The Focus of Kinesiology

Physical Activity: The Focus of Kinesiology

In your college courses, you may have noticed that disciplines are not all learned or... Read More

Health Care Reform

Health Care Reform

Health care costs, which have skyrocketed over the past decade, underlie many of the decisions... Read More