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Physical Activity as a Signature of Humanity

Physical Activity as a Signature of Humanity

Although it is tempting to think of physical activity experience as being inferior to mental... Read More

Authentic Assessment

Authentic Assessment

Researchers have indicated that standardized testing protocols may present challenges in adapted physical education. For... Read More

Legislative Mandates: A Historical Perspective

Legislative Mandates: A Historical Perspective

Educating students with disabilities was not always required. In fact, before much attention was paid... Read More

Functional Approach in Transition Planning

Functional Approach in Transition Planning

The functional approach in transition planning is used to create appropriate goals in physical education.... Read More

Purpose of Assessment

Purpose of Assessment

To understand your athletes, you need a comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of the athletes... Read More

SRC Consultation Essentials

SRC Consultation Essentials

A critical first step in concussion management is accurate detection and diagnosis. Among several diagnostic... Read More

Visual Assessment

Visual Assessment

The fastest muscle movement in the human body is a saccade at 1,000 degrees per... Read More

Ballistic and resistance push-up variations

Ballistic and resistance push-up variations

Jump Push-Up Level: Novice Action 1. Start at the top of a push-up with the... Read More

Advanced power training techniques

Advanced power training techniques

In simple terms, what differentiates exercises that develop strength from exercises that develop power is... Read More