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Business to Business FAQs

At this time, our website is unable to accommodate tax-exempt orders.

For credit card security, do not include credit card information in email.

  • First time orders from Canada Business/Institutional accounts with a tax-exempt certificate must be emailed to or faxed to 519-971-9797. Include a copy of your sales tax-exempt certificate.
  • Repeat tax-exempt orders may be emailed to , faxed to 519-971-9797, or phoned at 800-465-7301.
  • First time orders from Canada Business/Institutional accounts must be emailed to or faxed to 519-971-9797. Please include a copy of your sales tax-exempt certificate, if applicable.
  • Repeat orders (including tax-exempt) may be emailed to , faxed to 519-971-9797, or phoned at 800-465-7301.
  • Email:
  • Call: 800-465-7301
  • Fax: 519-971-9797 Attn: Accounts Receivable

Return policy for bookstore/trade book returns

  • Permission is not necessary. Include a copy of the original invoice with the return.
  • No returns are accepted on online/digital products.
  • No returns are accepted on shrink-wrapped products (including software, CD/DVD-ROM, and DVDs), that have been opened.
  • Human Kinetics will not accept returns from outside Canada
  • Return eligibility period is not before 3 months or after 12 months from the date of the original invoice.
  • Human Kinetics will issue credit (less shipping and handling) for the purchase price back on account for products returned in resaleable condition with the original invoice information supplied. If the original invoice information is not supplied, credit will be issued according to current Human Kinetics discount schedule and policy.
  • Credit balances may be used against future purchases only. Refunds will be issued for accounts that have been inactive for at least one year.
  • If products returned are not in resaleable condition, credit will not be given.
  • Products damaged during shipment must be reported to Human Kinetics within 2 weeks of shipment receipt. At that time, the nature of the damage must be provided. The nature of the damage must be noted on the return packing slip.