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If you have recently purchased a classroom set of HK textbooks (25+) or your district has recently adopted one of our programs, contact your HK Sales Rep:

Most print book disability requests from U.S. and Canadian higher education institutions can be submitted through AccessText Network. If your school is an ATN member, please submit your request through your ATN portal. If your school is not an ATN member, email your request, including title, edition, lead author, and ISBN, to

To contact your Human Kinetics K-12 Sales Rep, simply reach us by phone or email using the contact information below.

Contact your Human Kinetics K-12 Sales Rep at or 855.473.7345. Your rep will work with you to determine the quantity and type of resources that you need, along with teacher resources. Your rep will then create a quote that you may use to generate a purchase order. Alternatively, you may choose to make your purchase using a school district credit or P-card. Your rep will be happy to assist you with all of the details.

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Phone: 800-747-4457

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