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Motor Behavior

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Human Kinetics offers excerption information on motor behavior in sport and exercise with motor behavior books, ebooks, and textbooks for instructors. Our higher education textbooks are ideal for undergraduate and graduate programs. Motor learning is the development of motor skills through teaching greater motor control. Motor learning begins in early childhood and progresses throughout adolescence and adulthood. Our motor behavior resources explore how individuals develop the attention, speed, accuracy, timing, coordination, and motivation necessary to complete motor programs. They uncover how individuals use awareness, perception, proprioception, and information processing techniques to react to a stimulus. Throughout the lifespan, individuals acquire locomotor, ballistic, and manipulative skills. Motor development may be viewed through the lens of a constraints-led approach, ecological perspective, maturational perspective, schema theory, or through Fitt’s Law. Motor behavior resources from Human Kinetics are an ideal addition to your sport science library.