Growth, Maturation, Physical Activity, and Sport-3rd Edition
Author: Robert M. Malina
$173.95 CAD
This essential resource guides readers through the complexities of human growth and maturation with the latest research findings and over 350 charts and illustrations that visually support the material. The content has been expanded and modified to incorporate recent advances in technology and science, such as progress in the study of the human genome, deeper understanding of hormone regulation during growth, and advancements in body composition assessment.
Growth, Maturation, Physical Activity, and Sport, Third Edition, uses a five-part structure, enabling readers to gain a basic understanding of growth and maturation and then build upon that foundation. The first two parts focus on age- and sex-associated variations in body composition and explore the concept of biological maturation. Part III discusses primary factors that interact to regulate the process of growth and maturation—hormones, genes, nutrients and energy, and social factors. Part IV considers motor development and performance from infancy through adolescence. Part V has been added to provide an overview of youth sports, participation statistics, and motivation for participation, as well as a review of the growth and maturity characteristics of male and female participants in a variety of team and individual sports.
Growth, Maturation, Physical Activity, and Sport, Third Edition, is the only text to focus on the biological growth and maturation process of children and adolescents as it relates to physical activity and performance. Readers will complete the text with an appreciation for the field and its influence in physical education, kinesiology, and the sport sciences.
Upper-undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in courses covering growth and maturation in children and adolescents in relation to physical activity and sport. Also for professionals working with children and adolescents in fields such as physical education, kinesiology, the sport sciences, human biology, biological anthropology, and pediatrics.Chapter 1. Growth in Size and Proportions
Chapter 2. Composition of the Body
Chapter 3. Bone Growth and Bone Tissue
Chapter 4. Adipose Tissue
Chapter 5. Skeletal Muscle
Part II. Biological Maturation
Chapter 6. Biological Maturation: Concept and Methods
Chapter 7. Maturity Status and Timing
Chapter 8. Maturity Status and Associated Variation in Growth Status and Body Composition
Part III. Factors Influencing Growth and Maturity Status and Timing
Chapter 9. Hormonal Regulation of Growth and Maturation
Chapter 10. Genetic Influences on Growth and Maturation
Chapter 11. Nutritional and Energy Needs
Chapter 12. Social and Other Factors Influencing Growth and Maturation
Chapter 13. Secular Trends in Growth and Maturity Status and Timing
Part IV. Motor Development, Performance, and Physical Activity
Chapter 14. Motor Development During Infancy and Early Childhood
Chapter 15. Motor Performance During Childhood and Adolescence
Chapter 16. Factors Affecting Performance: Genetic, Nutritional, Social, and Secular
Chapter 17. Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity: Assessment, Correlates, and Trends
Chapter 18. Physical Activity as a Factor Affecting Growth, Maturation, Health, Fitness, and Performance
Part V. Youth Sports and Youth Athletes
Chapter 19. Youth Sports: An Overview
Chapter 20. Growth and Maturity Status of Male Youth Athletes
Chapter 21. Growth and Maturity Status of Female Youth Athletes
Chapter 22. Influence of Training for Sport on Growth and Maturation
Chapter 23. Benefits and Risks of Participation in Youth Sports
Chapter 24. Talent Development: Accommodating Individual Differences
Defining growth, maturation, and development
Predicting the maturity offset and age at Peak Height Velocity (PHV)
All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel.
Instructor guide. Includes chapter objectives, sample lecture outlines, student assignments, chapter summaries, and sample answers to the review questions that are found in the textbook.
Test package. Contains more than 700 questions in true-false, fill-in-the-blank, essay and short-answer, and multiple-choice formats. The files may be downloaded for integration with a learning management system or printed for use as paper-based tests. Instructors may also create their own customized quizzes or tests from the test bank questions to assign to students directly through HKPropel.
Chapter quizzes. Contains ready-made quizzes (9-10 questions each) to assess student comprehension of the most important concepts in each chapter.
Image bank. Includes most of the figures, content photos, and tables from the text, sorted by chapter. These can be used in developing a customized presentation based on specific course requirements.