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Stretching to improve performance and prevent injury

Stretching to improve performance and prevent injury

Although most athletes and coaches accept stretching as a means to improve performance and prevent... Read More

Learn the importance of aerodynamics

Learn the importance of aerodynamics

Four forces determine how fast you ride: propulsion, gravity, rolling resistance, and aerodynamic drag. Riding... Read More

Proper climbing form for cyclists

Proper climbing form for cyclists

How the cyclist rides the bicycle while climbing is a critical component of success, so... Read More

What are fascia mobility nets?

What are fascia mobility nets?

Fascia mobility nets (FMNs) are anatomical visual aids that help you easily assess, locate, and... Read More

Perform a quick fascia mobility assessment

Perform a quick fascia mobility assessment

You may also refer to this as the quick test. This one is appropriate for... Read More

Dynamic ground stretches for sports

Dynamic ground stretches for sports

The following stretches make up a dynamic progression from ground movements to standing movements. It... Read More

Upper-Body Machines

Upper-Body Machines

Primary Outcomes - Fitness activities: Demonstrates competency in 1 or more specialized skills in health-related... Read More

Factors That Influence Student Learning

Factors That Influence Student Learning

Many factors influence student learning and the subsequent development of physical literacy, including elements such... Read More

Why Consider Electives-Based Physical Education?

Why Consider Electives-Based Physical Education?

As physical educators, we strive to instill within our students a sense of intrinsic motivation... Read More