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Review some of the most common aquatic formats

Review some of the most common aquatic formats

Using the general recommendations for class components, you can design numerous formats to keep aquatic... Read More

Global Interactions in Ballet

Global Interactions in Ballet

"Should we agree with the choreographer George Balanchine (1904 - 1983) that ’ballet is woman’?... Read More

Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece

"The dance of the youths and maidens is distinctive. It is a ritual dance performed... Read More

Emerging American Modern Dance

Emerging American Modern Dance

"What is modern about modern dance is its resistance to the past, its response to... Read More

Classical Ballet in Russia

Classical Ballet in Russia

"It is not so much on the number of exercises, as the care with which... Read More

Training for Paraeducators

Training for Paraeducators

A major responsibility of physical education teachers is to provide direct instruction and guidance to... Read More

Basic Skills Assessment

Basic Skills Assessment

Because adapted physical education is a service, not a placement, students such as Marin, whom... Read More

Introduction to Physical Education for Children With Moderate to Severe Disabilities

Introduction to Physical Education for Children With Moderate to...

Students with moderate to severe disabilities are often the most marginalized, stigmatized, and invisible children... Read More

Adapting Equipment With SENSE

Adapting Equipment With SENSE

Adapting equipment is a daily practice for physical educators teaching students with disabilities. Adapted equipment... Read More