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The Persistence of Local Cultures

The Persistence of Local Cultures

For all the talk of globalization in our present historical moment, much of human experience... Read More

The Emergence of Advanced Forms of Communication

The Emergence of Advanced Forms of Communication

As noted earlier, one of the most important developments during the Neolithic Revolution was the... Read More

Great Leaps Forward

Great Leaps Forward

At the start of this chapter, we asked an important question: How did we humans... Read More

Learn more about the freestyle stroke

Learn more about the freestyle stroke

Freestyle is the fastest of the competitive strokes. In competition, however, swimmers often try to... Read More

Improve head and body position to breathe more effectively

Improve head and body position to breathe more effectively

Getting enough air while swimming in open water is critically important. This drill and the... Read More

Develop strength to add power to your stroke

Develop strength to add power to your stroke

To develop strength in the lats and the muscles of the upper back, some of... Read More

Tackling Knowledge Lacking

Tackling Knowledge Lacking

Every football coach knows that tackling is one of the most important fundamental skills in... Read More

Running-Game Structure in Modern Offenses

Running-Game Structure in Modern Offenses

The offensive system should have the flexibility to adapt and be complementary to the athletes’... Read More

Quarterback Challenges in Canadian Football

Quarterback Challenges in Canadian Football

Playing quarterback in Canadian football definitely has its challenges. With only 3 downs to make... Read More