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Game Planning and Clock Management

Game Planning and Clock Management

All good coaches put together a game plan for the upcoming opponent. Here are a... Read More

Making the decision to eat healthier

Making the decision to eat healthier

If you find yourself asking, "What’s in it for me?" you may be struggling to... Read More

Can you eat out and still eat a healthy diet?

Can you eat out and still eat a healthy...

We know that, for most people, eating out is here to stay. But can you... Read More

Efficient Shopping Starts at Home

Efficient Shopping Starts at Home

Planning ahead is a key to successful habit change. And for healthy food shopping, planning... Read More

Physical Activity for Health and Well-Being

Physical Activity for Health and Well-Being

Lifestyle physical activity is increasingly promoted in the media, as well as in health and... Read More

Using and Evaluating Stress Management Techniques

Using and Evaluating Stress Management Techniques

Relaxation exercises consist of both body-to-mind techniques (e.g., progressive muscle relaxation) and mind-to-body techniques (e.g.,... Read More

Positive and Negative Emotions - Accent on Positive

Positive and Negative Emotions - Accent on Positive

Anxiety is an often-studied emotion, particularly in sport and exercise psychology. What are the other... Read More

Teaching from the pool deck

Teaching from the pool deck

The AEA considers deck instruction as the preferred method of leading aquatic fitness in most... Read More

Benefits and considerations of aquatic exercise for older adults

Benefits and considerations of aquatic exercise for older adults

Aging is a natural and gradual physiological process characterized by a decrease in functional capacities. Read More