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Training for Paraeducators

This is an excerpt from PE for Children with Moderate to Severe Disabilities by Michelle Grenier & Lauren Lieberman.

A major responsibility of physical education teachers is to provide direct instruction and guidance to all students and paraeducators under their supervision. Paraeducators should receive training and guidance throughout the school year. U.S. Public Law 94-142, or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004) requires that paraeducators be adequately and appropriately trained and supervised in accordance with state law. Most schools offer paraeducators professional development programs to enhance their professional growth and, in turn, increase their contributions to the quality of instruction offered to students with disabilities.

Ongoing training provided by physical educators can be incorporated into a school's professional development program (O'Connor & French, 1998). This can include creating a lending library that provides materials such as books, journals, and CDs, as well as sharing APE websites (Lytle, Lieberman, & Aiello, 2007). Additional training tips are presented in figure 6.1.


Learn more about Physical Education for Children With Moderate to Severe Disabilities.

More Excerpts From PE for Children with Moderate to Severe Disabilities