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Understanding the goalkeeper as an orchestrator

Understanding the goalkeeper as an orchestrator

Because they can start with the ball in their hands, goalkeepers have more options than... Read More

Dealing with the back pass: Exercises for goalkeepers

Dealing with the back pass: Exercises for goalkeepers

The following exercises will help keepers master the ability to deal with the back pass. Read More

Three Questions to Define Functional Training

Three Questions to Define Functional Training

To better understand the concept of functional training, ask yourself a few simple questions. 1.... Read More

Foam Rolling Techniques and Tips

Foam Rolling Techniques and Tips

Rolling can provide great benefits both before and after a workout; however, rolling at the... Read More

Rotational Throws

Rotational Throws

Rotational throws are the best technique for developing power in the core and hip muscles.... Read More

Overhead Pressing

Overhead Pressing

As mentioned in the section on vertical and horizontal pulling, straight bars determine the bar... Read More

How Much Moderate-Intensity Physical Activity Is Enough?

How Much Moderate-Intensity Physical Activity Is Enough?

National physical activity guidelines in Canada recommend 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity daily activity... Read More

Exercise Choices for Building Flexibility

Exercise Choices for Building Flexibility

The type of exercises that you choose for building flexibility depends on your personal goals.... Read More

The FIT Formula and Nutrition

The FIT Formula and Nutrition

Table 14.8 shows how you can use the FIT formula as a guideline for nutritional... Read More