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Learn this exercise: bridge with leg kick

Learn this exercise: bridge with leg kick

As mentioned in the introduction to these exercises, a runner who has weak glutes -... Read More

Learn this exercise: frogger

Learn this exercise: frogger

The frogger is a propulsive exercise that requires the athlete to explode from the start... Read More

What is plantar fasciitis?

What is plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis can be such a painful condition that it often prevents any running at... Read More

Dumbbell front shoulder raise

Dumbbell front shoulder raise

Setup: Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a pair of dumbbells at your... Read More

Nutrition for fat loss: made simple

Nutrition for fat loss: made simple

We can’t talk about fat loss without talking about eating behaviors (a.k.a. diet). You won’t... Read More

Questions to ask yourself before the lift

Questions to ask yourself before the lift

Evaluating your lifting program gives you the chance to see if you could be doing... Read More

Advantages of working out at home

Advantages of working out at home

Going to the gym can be tedious. You have to get dressed, drive to the... Read More

Learn how muscles build up strength

Learn how muscles build up strength

The bigger a muscle is, the stronger it will be. However, you probably know of... Read More

Keeping a notebook is key to workout success

Keeping a notebook is key to workout success

You should organize this notebook so that each day of training corresponds to a section... Read More