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Making a Change

Making a Change

Change doesn’t happen all at once. It’s not a light switch that you can flip... Read More

Turning light activity into moderate activity

Turning light activity into moderate activity

In addition to increasing the amount of time you are active, you can also increase... Read More

Finding the motivation to be active

Finding the motivation to be active

For the participants in our study, obstacles to being active came in all shapes and... Read More

Pressure for flawless performance creates distractions

Pressure for flawless performance creates distractions

Some scientists believe that pressure to perform well creates distractions. Read More

Learning process when acquiring motor skills similar for all individuals

Learning process when acquiring motor skills similar for all...

Even though motor skills vary, the learning process that individuals go through when acquiring those... Read More

Mechsner's studies show that actions are governed by perceptual goals

Mechsner's studies show that actions are governed by perceptual...

Focusing on the goal allows the motor system to “spontaneously” produce effective movements. Read More

Mentally perform a movement first for more effective learning

Mentally perform a movement first for more effective learning

Some scientists believe that it is important not to think about the movement while executing... Read More

Attentional focus plays a role in delivering a flawless performance

Attentional focus plays a role in delivering a flawless...

Insights into the various facets of expertise of concert pianists, as well as the role... Read More

Stop goals with proper diving technique

Stop goals with proper diving technique

These tried-and-true steps for keepers offer the best chance to make the save. Read More