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Physical activity and breast cancer: the evidence

Physical activity and breast cancer: the evidence

Approximately three-quarters of these studies classified women according to three or more levels of physical... Read More

Choosing Exercises and Progressions

Choosing Exercises and Progressions

When starting any new fitness program, begin at a level that will reinforce proper technique... Read More

Three Exercises

Three Exercises

This is a good warm-up exercise that gently works the legs, hips, torso, and upper... Read More

Improve Strength, Flexibility, and Balance with 16-Week Program

Improve Strength, Flexibility, and Balance with 16-Week Program

In the 16-week program you are progressively introduced to the exercises described in the book.... Read More

Empowering clients to take charge of their own fitness goals

Empowering clients to take charge of their own fitness...

The experience that clients have with a Personal Training Specialist may influence other aspects of... Read More

Recommendations and precautions for back health

Recommendations and precautions for back health

Even when working with clients who do not currently have lower back pain, you can... Read More

Segmented versus integrated programs

Segmented versus integrated programs

When creating programs for your clients, you will have to consider whether they would be... Read More

Develop successful high school baseball programs

Develop successful high school baseball programs

Baseball programs at the high school level function in varied ways. Read More

Successful baseball programs foster organized practices

Successful baseball programs foster organized practices

Most established programs in any sport conduct well-organized, meaningful practices. Read More