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Learn the advantages of using performance-based assessments

Learn the advantages of using performance-based assessments

Performance-based assessments provide several instructional advantages in physical education and can greatly increase the effectiveness... Read More

Using pedometers to assess physical activity participation levels

Using pedometers to assess physical activity participation levels

In recent years, the pedometer has emerged as a high-tech tool to motivate students and... Read More

Developing a meaningful grading system

Developing a meaningful grading system

If the primary purpose of grading is to communicate student achievement to others, then the... Read More

Understand the power of breath

Understand the power of breath

Breath is central to who we are. Whether it relates to our ability to work,... Read More

Use movement to focus on spinal articulation

Use movement to focus on spinal articulation

This series focuses on spinal articulation from a reclined, kneeling, and belly-down position. Perform the... Read More

Explore the core in new and interesting ways

Explore the core in new and interesting ways

You might hear a lot of talk these days about the importance of the core.... Read More

Review monitoring results to modify training plans

Review monitoring results to modify training plans

Figure 8.3 shows a report provided to an athlete and other practitioners. Although electronic and... Read More

Learn the steps to create an effective in-house research project

Learn the steps to create an effective in-house research...

Many practitioners cannot afford to wait for published research to confirm the efficacy of a... Read More

Understand the General Adaptation Syndrome Model

Understand the General Adaptation Syndrome Model

The seminal work of Canadian physiologist Hans Selye, the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) model, forms... Read More