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Sample stretches using the TRX Suspension Trainer™

Sample stretches using the TRX Suspension Trainer™

Reaching Hip Flexor Stretch. Purpose: To stretch the hip flexor muscles. Prerequisite: No lower-body pain... Read More

Understand the foundation of Suspension Training

Understand the foundation of Suspension Training

It is generally well accepted that performing resistance training on a regular basis can help... Read More

Basic testing exercises for gauging fitness progress

Basic testing exercises for gauging fitness progress

This section presents basic testing exercises for gauging fitness progress. Although any of the exercises... Read More

Cycling safety as part of your triathlon experience

Cycling safety as part of your triathlon experience

Cycling is traditionally the second portion of a race. It is the longest distance of... Read More

Explore sample sprint-distance triathlon plans

Explore sample sprint-distance triathlon plans

We offer sample 8-week sprint-distance triathlon plans for bronze-level, silver-level, and gold-level athletes. The training... Read More

Support groups can be the key to triathlon success

Support groups can be the key to triathlon success

One of the keys to your success in training for and completing your first triathlon,... Read More

How to identify celiac disease

How to identify celiac disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects the gastrointestinal tract and is thought to... Read More

Addressing mental health issues in the athlete

Addressing mental health issues in the athlete

Everyone has symptoms of some type of mental health issue at some time in life... Read More

Identifying Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm

Identifying Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm

The terms EIA and EIB are often used interchangeably, but EIB specifically denotes the reduction... Read More