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Drills for Youth Soccer Goalkeepers

This is an excerpt from Coaching Youth Soccer-5th Edition by American Sport Education Program.

Saving Shots

  • What’s the Scoop?

Goal To develop the ability to gather ground balls

Description Play 2v1 in a playing area 20 yards long by 15 yards wide, with a goal set up at one end, as shown in the diagram. The 2 attackers try to score on the goalkeeper. The attackers take five shots on goal, passing between themselves and trying to get the best shot possible. The keeper is awarded 2 points for a clean scoop (one in which he cleanly gathers the ball) and 1 point for any other type of save. The goalkeeper receives no points if a goal is scored. To restart play, the goalkeeper tosses the ball back to the attackers. After every five chances to defend the goal, rotate players so that everyone has a chance to play keeper.

  • U6 and U8: This activity is not appropriate for these age groups.
  • U10: Use a 6-yard-wide goal.
  • U12 and U14: Use an 8-yard-wide goal.


  • To make the activity easier for younger or less skilled players, increase the shot distance or decrease the speed of the shots.
  • To make the activity more challenging for older or more skilled players, increase the speed of the shots or have players shoot to the corners.

Saving Shots

  • Keeper Wars

Goal To develop and encourage the basic diving technique for goalkeepers

Description Play 1v1 in a playing area 20 yards long by 15 yard wide, with a 5-foot-high goal set up at one end, as shown in the diagram. One player positions in the goal and acts as a goalkeeper, and the other player shoots at the goal. To start, the goalkeeper gets five tries to dive and save using proper technique (this activity can also be adapted to focus on goalkeepers gathering air balls without diving for them). Award 1 point for each successful dive and save.

  • U6 and U8: This activity is not appropriate for these age groups.
  • U10: Use a 6-yard-wide goal; each player attempts to save 15 shots (15 is a perfect score).
  • U12 and U14: Use an 8-yard-wide goal; each player attempts to save 20 shots (20 is a perfect score).


  • To make the activity easier for younger or less skilled players, reduce the width of the goal or require shots from longer range.
  • To make the activity more challenging for older or more skilled players, increase the width of the goal or add a player who tries to score goals from rebounds if the goalkeeper fails to deal with the shot effectively.


Learn more about Coaching Youth Soccer, Fifth Edition.

More Excerpts From Coaching Youth Soccer-5th Edition