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Characteristics of an effective puck-handling goaltender

Characteristics of an effective puck-handling goaltender

There are five main components that make an effective puck-handling goaltender. Read More

Defend against common plays off the opposition rush

Defend against common plays off the opposition rush

There are so many variations of offensive attacks that you need to be prepared for.... Read More

Applying and removing casts and splints

Applying and removing casts and splints

This section details the fundamental steps and important considerations that pertain to applying and removing... Read More

Methods for immobilizing the fractured foot and ankle

Methods for immobilizing the fractured foot and ankle

Immobilization of the fractured foot and ankle can be accomplished with splints or casts such... Read More

Effects of mobilization and manipulation

Effects of mobilization and manipulation

Clinicians use joint mobilization and manipulation for 2 main indications: joint pain and joint hypomobility.... Read More

Clinical application of joint thrusts and nonthrusts

Clinical application of joint thrusts and nonthrusts

Parameters applied to joint thrusts and nonthrusts vary widely. The force, frequency, and amplitude of... Read More

Teach your players how to shoot a ball

Teach your players how to shoot a ball

Nothing puts greater pressure on the defense than shots on goal, so your players should... Read More

Drills for Youth Soccer Goalkeepers

Drills for Youth Soccer Goalkeepers

The skills and concepts of good goalkeeping should be taught in game-like activities, just like... Read More

Use age appropriate training plans to incorporate skills and concepts for that age group

Use age appropriate training plans to incorporate skills and...

Coaches rarely believe they have enough time to practice everything they want to cover. Training... Read More