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Foam rolling the hip flexor group of muscles

This is an excerpt from BioMechanics Method for Corrective Exercise With HKPropel Online Video, The by Justin Price.

Area(s) of body: Lumbo-pelvic hip girdle

Anterior pelvic tilt, excessive lumbar lordosis, valgus knee position, lack of dorsiflexion, overpronation

Structures addressed:
Hip flexor group of muscles

Exercise benefits:
Rejuvenating and regenerating the hip flexor muscles will help the lumbar spine flex, enabling the pelvis to posteriorly rotate more effectively. The hip flexors also work eccentrically to slow down internal rotation and extension of the leg. Therefore, flexibility in these tissues will also help promote better movement of the hip, leg, knee, and ankle.

How to perform

  1. Place the roller perpendicular to the front of the body, and lie over it at hip level.
  2. Find a sore spot on the front of the hips, and hold body weight on it for a few seconds to help the tissues release.
  3. Move the upper body to roll to different sore spots on the upper leg; keep the abdominals engaged to ensure that the lower back does not arch too much.

How to perform

Duration and repetitions:
Roll for 30 seconds to 1 minute on each side at least once per day.

Angle the roller so that it is in line with the crease of the groin (i.e., at 45 degrees to the hip and leg) to increase the pressure of the massage.

Perform the Hip Flexor Stretch (Sagittal).


Use a tennis ball to massage the hip flexors (see detailed information in next exercise).


More Excerpts From BioMechanics Method for Corrective Exercise With HKPropel Online Video