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Uncover the single straight-leg stretch

Uncover the single straight-leg stretch

It is important to perform the single straight-leg stretch to strengthen the abdominals. Read More

Child-centered teaching methods enhance early childhood physical education

Child-centered teaching methods enhance early childhood physical education

The methods used by educators in early childhood have been the focus of considerable academic... Read More

Work in groups lesson plan

Work in groups lesson plan

Learn physical education teaching methods for preschool and early elementary school students. Read More

Understand the need for rest

Understand the need for rest

Explore the a physical education lesson plan for preschool and early elementary school children. Read More

Game situations determine hitting approach

Game situations determine hitting approach

Each time a batter comes to the plate, he must take into account the game... Read More

Score through multiple goals

Score through multiple goals

Practice under game-like pressure. Read More

Defend the counter

Defend the counter

Develop effective transition play. Read More

The low down on low-carbohydrate foods

The low down on low-carbohydrate foods

Many people mistakenly believe that low-carbohydrate diets or low-carbohydrate foods help with weight loss. The... Read More

Tips for eating right after exercise

Tips for eating right after exercise

Athletes need to be reminded about the importance of fueling after exercise and making this... Read More