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Make tactical decisions in many areas of the game

Make tactical decisions in many areas of the game

When considering playing time, make sure that everyone on the team gets to play at... Read More

Learn three types of cuts for getting open

Learn three types of cuts for getting open

Offensive players use cuts to change direction quickly (while staying in balance) and “lose” their... Read More

Make early-season basketball practices fun and effective

Make early-season basketball practices fun and effective

Early-season practice sessions should establish that basketball is a fun game. Limit the time for... Read More

Training with indoor cycling

Training with indoor cycling

The biggest problems with cycling in the winter are early sunsets and foul weather. For... Read More

Six guidelines for shaping skills in youth gymnasts

Six guidelines for shaping skills in youth gymnasts

After you have successfully taught your gymnasts the fundamentals of a skill, your focus will... Read More

Landing and falling; important skills for youth gymnastics

Landing and falling; important skills for youth gymnastics

Landing properly and knowing how to fall are both key aspects of injury prevention in... Read More

Youth gymnastics coaches learn drills for prehandspring vaults

Youth gymnastics coaches learn drills for prehandspring vaults

These are important drills and progressions leading up to a handspring vault. It is highly... Read More

Elements of Pilates

Elements of Pilates

Pilates is a method of exercise that connects the mind and the body as one... Read More

Learn the cat-cow pose

Learn the cat-cow pose

Performing the cat-cow pose increases spinal flexibility. Read More