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I Don't Like to Run Long Distances

I Don't Like to Run Long Distances

I don’t think anyone, myself included, can just hit the road and run hundreds of... Read More

Quality of protein

Quality of protein

The quality of a protein relates to the degree to which that protein contributes to... Read More

Sugar intake and health effects

Sugar intake and health effects

Over the past century, the yearly intake of simple sugars has increased dramatically to approximately... Read More

The carbohydrate mouth rinse phenomenon

The carbohydrate mouth rinse phenomenon

One hour of sustained or intermittent high-intensity exercise is not limited by the availability of... Read More

Foam rolling the hip flexor group of muscles

Foam rolling the hip flexor group of muscles

Exercise benefits: Rejuvenating and regenerating the hip flexor muscles will help the lumbar spine flex,... Read More

How the knees relate to the feet and ankles and the lumbo-pelvic hip girdle

How the knees relate to the feet and ankles...

The knee is the structure that bridges the feet and ankles and the lumbo-pelvic hip... Read More

Learn more about the hamstring group

Learn more about the hamstring group

Muscle specifics: A hamstring muscle on the back of the leg. It originates on the... Read More

Lesson Plan: Intellectual Dimension

Lesson Plan: Intellectual Dimension

In celebration of National Nutrition Month and Brain Awareness Week, we will focus on activities... Read More

Side Stretch and Alternating Hip Lifts

Side Stretch and Alternating Hip Lifts

Sit tall against the back of a chair or stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart... Read More