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Good pain versus bad pain

Good pain versus bad pain

As a yoga practitioner, it is important to be able to discern the difference between... Read More

Three laws of a yin pose

Three laws of a yin pose

The way that we exercise muscle is different from the way that we exercise connective... Read More

Yin yoga: ankle stretch

Yin yoga: ankle stretch

This pose targets the ankles and tops of the feet. Read More

Executing the Heiden Squat

Executing the Heiden Squat

Hockey, and specifically skating, relies on joint angles. The Heiden squat puts the lower extremities... Read More

Strength, power, speed, and agility on the ice

Strength, power, speed, and agility on the ice

Strength—resisting or imposing a force—is essential for a variety of reasons and critical to the... Read More

The anatomy of flying

The anatomy of flying

A player will experience multiple changes of tempo when playing. It is important to be... Read More

Exercise prescription for peripheral artery disease

Exercise prescription for peripheral artery disease

Walking exercise is particularly beneficial for helping PAD patients with claudication to improve their walking... Read More

Prevention and treatment of abnormal blood glucose before and after exercise

Prevention and treatment of abnormal blood glucose before and...

Blood glucose levels should be monitored before an exercise session to determine whether the person... Read More

Treatment, control, and management of hypertension

Treatment, control, and management of hypertension

The overarching goal in the treatment, control, and management of hypertension is to reduce the... Read More