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Reflective Teaching in Dance Education

Reflective Teaching in Dance Education

Reflecting about one’s teaching practice is an important part of being a dance educator as... Read More

Activity trackers: are they accurate for estimating energy expenditure?

Activity trackers: are they accurate for estimating energy expenditure?

Being able to track energy (caloric) expenditure is of great importance for those pursuing weight... Read More

Blood pressure-related smartphone apps

Blood pressure-related smartphone apps

There are no fewer than 100 hypertension-related apps available for download (Kumar et al. 2015).... Read More

Using technology to increase physical activity at work

Using technology to increase physical activity at work

Active workstations (e.g., treadmill desks or pedal desks) and adjustable-height work surfaces that allow employees... Read More

How your upper body is designed for breathing

How your upper body is designed for breathing

The first water-living animals breathed through their skin. This method worked fine if they were... Read More

Strengthening and Stretching Routine for the Diaphragm

Strengthening and Stretching Routine for the Diaphragm

The diaphragm needs its own designated stretching and strengthening routine, just like any other muscle.... Read More

Visualize lung movement to improve your breathing

Visualize lung movement to improve your breathing

Visualizing how and where the lungs move when you inhale helps improve your breathing. The... Read More

Building a web presence for your facility

Building a web presence for your facility

Some will say it has never been easier, faster, and more effective to reach customers... Read More

Creating Excitement for Your Project

Creating Excitement for Your Project

Once your aquatics project is approved, you will enter the design phase for the facility.... Read More