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Incorporating active-assisted STR with oil massage

Incorporating active-assisted STR with oil massage

The easiest way to incorporate active-assisted STR with an oil massage is to keep a... Read More

Trigger points in the rhomboids

Trigger points in the rhomboids

Trigger points in the rhomboid muscles (figure 6.1) cause pain in the rhomboid area but... Read More

Helping Students Manage Stress

Helping Students Manage Stress

Stress is a normal response to environmental demands or pressures that threaten our well-being or... Read More

Infusing HPE with a Sociocultural Perspective

Infusing HPE with a Sociocultural Perspective

Physical education is said to offer the best opportunity to foster the development of health... Read More

What makes for a successful game?

What makes for a successful game?

At this point, you may be wondering, "Are some games better than others"? The simple... Read More

Diversity and inclusion research in sport and exercise

Diversity and inclusion research in sport and exercise

Interest in studying diversity and inclusion issues in sport and exercise psychology is increasing. This... Read More

Exercise and personality

Exercise and personality

Sport psychologists have investigated the relationship between exercise and personality. We will begin by briefly... Read More

Technological advances in sport psychology

Technological advances in sport psychology

Technology has taken sports by storm. There are metrics and statistics for every imaginable happening,... Read More

Movement and Brain Development in Infants

Movement and Brain Development in Infants

A baby does the BrainDance naturally in the first 12 months of life, as long... Read More