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Power yoga poses for golfers

Power yoga poses for golfers

Golfers require great hand grip and open forearms, symmetrical back muscles, and back strength. They... Read More

Introduction - A change in view of hydration

Introduction - A change in view of hydration

Marathon runners were not alone in this belief. Cyclists in the race that was considered... Read More

Backhand Ground Stroke Drill ' The Lob

Backhand Ground Stroke Drill ' The Lob

View a drill from Coaching Youth Tennis, 4E. Read More

Strength Training for Runners - The Six-Way Lunge With Arm Drop

Strength Training for Runners - The Six-Way Lunge With...

This exercise strengthens and stretches the hamstrings and gluteal muscles in all three key planes... Read More

Patient case study - alcoholism

Patient case study - alcoholism

Alcohol activates gamma amino butyric acid-mediated inhibition of the central nervous system (CNS). Read More

Medication therapy and case study - diabetes

Medication therapy and case study - diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder caused by an absolute or relative deficiency of... Read More

Martha Graham - The Graham Technique

Martha Graham - The Graham Technique

The function of dance is communication. . . . By communication is not meant to... Read More

The Movement Screen Test Part I - Overhead Squat

The Movement Screen Test Part I - Overhead Squat

The movement screen is composed of 10 tests. Seven tests - overhead squat, single-leg squat,... Read More

Competitive racing - open water

Competitive racing - open water

Many open water swimmers train individually, but they race in competitions where they’ll be in... Read More