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Dealing with bullying by students

Dealing with bullying by students

Sometimes it is difficult to tell when a student is being harassed or bullied. Furthermore,... Read More

Consider the latest in STEM applications

Consider the latest in STEM applications

The third program discussed here is the latest in STEM applications, Robotics. Robotics has not... Read More

Emergency planning and policies standard

Emergency planning and policies standard

In addition to complying with all applicable federal, state, and local requirements relating to automated... Read More

Guidelines for health/fitness facility professional staff and independent contractors

Guidelines for health/fitness facility professional staff and independent contractors

Facility operators should consider having health/fitness professionals who have the appropriate level of professional education... Read More

Four questions to ask yourself about running

Four questions to ask yourself about running

Flow state is the Holy Grail of athletic endeavors. Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, the foremost positive psychologist... Read More

More running means better running…to a point

More running means better running…to a point

Nearly every runner who probes the limits of their genetic potential has a story to... Read More

Get fast and stay fast year-round

Get fast and stay fast year-round

Albert Einstein's study habits are probably not instructive for a person without an intellect the... Read More

Six facets of the Power Yoga for Sports system

Six facets of the Power Yoga for Sports system

Over the course of creating Power Yoga for Sports, I boiled its effectiveness down to... Read More

Alignment in power yoga

Alignment in power yoga

Before you determine the yoga poses that best fit an athlete’s body and sport, you... Read More