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Sculling - Developing a feel for the water

Sculling - Developing a feel for the water

The next skill in developing a feel for the water involves sculling (figure 2.3) and... Read More

Thinking and Personality Traits of Champions - The Top Eight

Thinking and Personality Traits of Champions - The Top...

There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for... Read More

What is an athletic trainer?

What is an athletic trainer?

Athletic training is a profession dedicated to maintaining and improving the health and well-being of... Read More

Documentation and record keeping in athletic training

Documentation and record keeping in athletic training

Data from injury reports should be recorded not only to reduce liability but also to... Read More

Learn more about blood tests

Learn more about blood tests

Blood tests can detect many different conditions in the human body and are used extensively... Read More

Principles of passing and catching

Principles of passing and catching

The overall goal of passing and catching is for both the passer and the catcher... Read More

Moves with either pivot foot (advanced)

Moves with either pivot foot (advanced)

These moves can be taught when either foot is used as the pivot foot (EPF)... Read More

Facing-the-basket post play

Facing-the-basket post play

The technique used for high-post play or short-corner play (from the low-post position) combines back-to-the-basket... Read More

How soft tissue release works

How soft tissue release works

Take a look at the pictures shown in figures 1.1 through 1.3. They represent what... Read More