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How exercise changes your body

How exercise changes your body

Exercise is much more than working up a sweat; when done properly it can change... Read More

Organizing workout variables

Organizing workout variables

The human body is extremely efficient at conserving energy. The more often you perform a... Read More

Baseball officials

Baseball officials

The umpire-in-chief (home plate umpire) is in full charge of the game. Any umpire may... Read More

The dimensions and features of a handball court

The dimensions and features of a handball court

A standard four-walled court is 20 feet wide, 20 feet high, and 40 feet long... Read More

Track and field hurdles

Track and field hurdles

Hurdle events include the 60-meter (indoors only), 100-meter, 110-meter, and 400-meter races. Youth competitions can... Read More

An exercise to enhance balance

An exercise to enhance balance

Now you graduate to balancing on balls in some basic dance foot positions. This exercise... Read More

Advanced conditioning for the abdominal muscles

Advanced conditioning for the abdominal muscles

The upper abdominal twist emphasizes strengthening the rectus abdominis and the obliques. It also activates... Read More

Strengthening pectoral muscles

Strengthening pectoral muscles

By reversing the movement in the preceding exercise, you will strengthen the pectoral muscles and... Read More

Leading and planning for quality professional development

Leading and planning for quality professional development

Focused, tiered professional development has been a key to any and all successes that have... Read More