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Perceiving Movement Through Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis

Perceiving Movement Through Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis

The L/BMA framework is particularly useful in contexts in which movement is studied and taught.... Read More

Total Body Connectivity–Breath Patterning

Total Body Connectivity–Breath Patterning

As the first Pattern of Total Body Connectivity, breath (see figure 3.1) is the baseline from... Read More

Using Touch to Facilitate Body Connectivity

Using Touch to Facilitate Body Connectivity

Touch can facilitate greater connectivity, ease, and awareness in movement by increasing sensation in ways... Read More

Applying L/BMA to Aerial Dancing

Applying L/BMA to Aerial Dancing

As an aerialist, I have found the modes of shape change to be extremely useful... Read More

L/BMA and Physical Humor

L/BMA and Physical Humor

In the moment of humor, the senses are tickled by information and messages, both commonplace... Read More

Single-leg stance patterns

Single-leg stance patterns

Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart. Take a step forward with the right leg landing... Read More

Court speed potentiation for tennis players

Court speed potentiation for tennis players

The athlete stands approximately one meter (or one yard) away from a wall with the... Read More

Sample warm-ups from The Warm-Up

Sample warm-ups from The Warm-Up

Tables 7.1 through 7.5 provide examples of how the decision-making process is used to design... Read More

Learn to work out smarter

Learn to work out smarter

Yes, you have heard that regular exercise is important. Yes, you know that you should... Read More