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Side Stretch and Alternating Hip Lifts

This is an excerpt from Physical Activity Instruction of Older Adults-2nd Edition by Debra Rose.

Side stretch

Side Stretch

Target muscles: side of trunk and shoulders, also the outer thighs and hips when performed in a standing position

Sit tall against the back of a chair or stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart or wider. Gently bend the trunk to one side as the opposite arm reaches up above and then across the head to form an arc. Keep the head, chest, and hips facing forward throughout the stretch and breathe evenly. Hold the position for 5 to 15 seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat on the opposite side.

Alternating hip lifts
Alternating Hip Lifts

Target muscles:oblique muscles of trunk, hip flexors, knee flexors

Place both hands on either side of a chair. Slowly raise one hip off the chair. Hold raised position for 10 to 20 seconds before lowering hip back down. Repeat on the opposite side.

More Excerpts From Physical Activity Instruction of Older Adults-2nd Edition