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The importance of shoulder movement to tennis

The importance of shoulder movement to tennis

For a tennis player, the shoulder is one of the most used (and sometimes overused)... Read More

Screening questionnaire helps to evaluate level of risk to exercise

Screening questionnaire helps to evaluate level of risk to...

Evaluate clients regarding their level of risk to exercise. Read More

Keep goals challenging but attainable

Keep goals challenging but attainable

Lead your clients into discovering the goals they should set for themselves. Read More

Functional anatomy of the core: the abdomen

Functional anatomy of the core: the abdomen

When someone says “abs,” the first thing that comes to mind for many people is... Read More

Stretching the Tensor Fasciae Latae and the Iliotibial Band

Stretching the Tensor Fasciae Latae and the Iliotibial Band

Pain in the TFL is common for certain types of athletes such as distance runners.... Read More

Scoop, or Combination, Block

Scoop, or Combination, Block

View a drill from Football Skills & Drills, Second Edition. Read More

Methods of blitzing

Methods of blitzing

Rushing across the line of scrimmage to blitz the quarterback or ballcarrier is tremendous fun... Read More

Drills for executing goal-line pass routes

Drills for executing goal-line pass routes

Because of the limited area available to run pass routes when a team is near... Read More

How to achieve top throwing technique

How to achieve top throwing technique

All quarterbacks want to pass the ball. A quarterback’s success as a passer depends a... Read More