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Zone Coverage

Zone Coverage

View a drill from Football Skills & Drills, Second Edition. Read More

Getting Open and Being a Threat Without the Ball

Getting Open and Being a Threat Without the Ball

In my opinion, trying to get open is one of the most enjoyable parts of... Read More

Fast-Break Drills

Fast-Break Drills

The fast break should be performed with speed; players need to pass the ball quickly... Read More

Defining and Understanding Strength Training Load Progression

Defining and Understanding Strength Training Load Progression

Progressive overload is the favorite modality for eliciting morpho-functional adaptations through a progressive increase of... Read More

A new variation on an old game - Reveal

A new variation on an old game - Reveal

Take what you know about the game, "Rock, Paper, Scissors" and turn it into a... Read More

Try this fun game--soccer tennis

Try this fun game--soccer tennis

A great game for when soccer fields are muddy and tennis courts are wet. Read More

Motivate different types of baseball players

Motivate different types of baseball players

Every team is made up of diverse personalities. No two people are the same or... Read More

Learn the anatomy of abs

Learn the anatomy of abs

In order to train more effectively, you need to make the distinction between the inner... Read More