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Understand the power of cardio

Understand the power of cardio

Cardio is often misunderstood and is one of the most misused forms of exercise for... Read More

Neuromuscular adaptations to strength training

Neuromuscular adaptations to strength training

Systematic strength training produces structural and functional changes, or adaptations, in the body. The level... Read More

Understanding energy systems training

Understanding energy systems training

Coaches without real knowledge of energy systems often intuitively develop programs that train the dominant... Read More

Adapting Exercises

Adapting Exercises

There is no need to reinvent the wheel. I’ve seen people create variations of Pilates... Read More

Essential eligibility criteria for paddling should focus on ability rather than disability

Essential eligibility criteria for paddling should focus on ability...

Criteria must not be designed or tend to screen out an individual with a disability... Read More

A proper stance increases your shooting percentage

A proper stance increases your shooting percentage

When shooting, you build the shot from the ground up, just like building a house. Read More

Consistency in shooting develops a sense of confidence when you step to the line

Consistency in shooting develops a sense of confidence when...

Free shots will involve the same fundamental shooting techniques that we discussed in chapter 3.... Read More

Fakes create a scoring opportunity

Fakes create a scoring opportunity

Fakes are maneuvers an offensive player uses to move a defensive player out of position.... Read More

Basic Kettlebell Exercises

Basic Kettlebell Exercises

These exercises are the key skills and techniques that you will build your programs around,... Read More