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Long-Term Memory

Long-Term Memory

The long-term memory is responsible for permanently accumulating or storing information. In particular, it stores... Read More

Guiding, Accepting, and Collaborating with Clients

Guiding, Accepting, and Collaborating with Clients

Collaboration is a guiding principle for me and for many others who use motivational interviewing... Read More

How to Avoid Conversational Traps with Clients

How to Avoid Conversational Traps with Clients

Before we consider the application of motivational interviewing (MI) and its components, it is worth... Read More

Corkscrew and Hip Circle Exercises

Corkscrew and Hip Circle Exercises

This exercise builds on the principles of the Mat Work: Supine Spine Twist but incorporates... Read More

Side Over and Basic Swan Exercises

Side Over and Basic Swan Exercises

This is an excellent exercise for teaching precise lateral flexion and correct alignment, thereby laying... Read More

The Fundamental Apparatus Program

The Fundamental Apparatus Program

Exercises: 30; approximate time: 60 minutes Read More

Reduce body fat to show sculpted muscles

Reduce body fat to show sculpted muscles

What’s the point in owning a set of strong, shapely muscles if you can’t see... Read More

High Hurdle Practice and Drills

High Hurdle Practice and Drills

The first thing to remember as a coach is that hurdlers apply much greater stress... Read More

8 core principles in developing a coaching philosophy

8 core principles in developing a coaching philosophy

The coaching philosophy you choose is central to how you define your career and how... Read More