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Developing anaerobic conditioning programs

Developing anaerobic conditioning programs

The primary movement patterns, duration of these movements, the number of movements, and the work-to-rest... Read More

Understand the general principles of periodization

Understand the general principles of periodization

When exploring the classic literature, it is clear that periodization is a method for employing... Read More

"Energy management" leads to good health, positive outlook

Learn what can be done to maximize your energy throughout the day. Read More

Portion Control

Portion Control

Manage your diet, allowing yourself the foods you want and need, by controlling how much... Read More

Identifying Your Personal Mission and Goals

Identifying Your Personal Mission and Goals

It is important to take a step back and consider your overall mission and your... Read More

Short on funds for health education? Build a stethoscope

Short on funds for health education? Build a stethoscope

Children love to use stethoscopes for listening to their—or others’—hearts. Although store-bought stethoscopes are not... Read More

Create an organ vest to help teach anatomy

Create an organ vest to help teach anatomy

Students can gain a better understanding of what the inside of the body looks like... Read More

Food portion kit teaches kids healthy eating habits

Food portion kit teaches kids healthy eating habits

Help your students visualize the size of a portion of food so they can more... Read More

Strategies to increase exercise adherence in older adults

Strategies to increase exercise adherence in older adults

Examine various strategies to help your clients engage in regular exercise Read More