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How to start a fire using flint and steel

How to start a fire using flint and steel

An illustrated description of how to start a fire using very basic tools. Read More

How to use a compass

How to use a compass

Find the right compass and learn how to use it properly. Read More

Placing Beach Flags for Safety Zone Conditions

Placing Beach Flags for Safety Zone Conditions

Beach flags are becoming more popular throughout the world, particularly at surf beaches. Read More

Psychology of Lifeguarding

Psychology of Lifeguarding

Lifeguard training agencies give lifeguards the knowledge and water skills they need in order to... Read More

Mindfulness and Presence in Practice

Mindfulness and Presence in Practice

Presence is the starting place for helpful and healing alliances with our clients. Freud (1912/1958)... Read More

Can functional bracing reduce the risk of ACL injury?

Can functional bracing reduce the risk of ACL injury?

Explore data on the effects of bracing on uninjured, ACL-deficient, and ACL-reconstructed knees. Read More

Incidence of noncontact ACL injuries

Incidence of noncontact ACL injuries

While an ACL injury can be a result of direct contact with another player or... Read More

Individual risk factors for ACL injury

Individual risk factors for ACL injury

Questions regarding why an individual would adopt a strategy that includes potentially injurious mechanics have... Read More

Principles of program design: agility training

Principles of program design: agility training

Agility may be considered one of the primary movement skills needed for successful participation in... Read More