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Use training zones to achieve your best workout

Use training zones to achieve your best workout

Training zones are used to quantify and track intensity. Read More

Exercises to improve bike-handling skills

Exercises to improve bike-handling skills

Riding on the road means that you always have to be alert and ready to... Read More

Beach Types and Hazards

Beach Types and Hazards

Because beaches are so unique with many advantages and disadvantages, beach managers need to know... Read More

Weight control in the obese requires an individualized approach

Weight control in the obese requires an individualized approach

Excess adiposity has been linked to diabetes mellitus, cardiometabolic syndrome, CVD, and other chronic diseases... Read More

Addressing tobacco use in patients

Addressing tobacco use in patients

The U.S. Tobacco and Dependence Treatment clinical practice guideline suggests that health care professionals take... Read More

Education, monitoring, and management of patients with diabetes

Education, monitoring, and management of patients with diabetes

There are a number of precautions and special instructions for exercise in persons with diabetes... Read More

Learn about the potential risks in outpatient CR/SP

Learn about the potential risks in outpatient CR/SP

The safety of CR/SP exercise programs is well established, with very low mortality and myocardial... Read More

How to treat fractures in the outdoors

How to treat fractures in the outdoors

When treating fractures in a backcountry situation, gentle manipulation of the fracture is required. Read More

How to construct a lean-to

How to construct a lean-to

Provide shelter from the elements with this basic structure. Read More