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Rehabilitation of impingement

Rehabilitation of impingement

Rehabilitation rather than surgery is recommended for secondary impingement. Read More

Climbers and Sliders

Climbers and Sliders

Two fun classroom games to kids moving and enjoying being active. Read More

Fall and winter games to warm up on a cold day

Fall and winter games to warm up on a...

Leaves, pumpkins, snowflakes and poinsettia’s--incorporate these seasonal staples into classroom and playground games that will... Read More

Nine Steps to Positioning Yourself

Nine Steps to Positioning Yourself

Nine steps to help you land your dream job. Read More

Proactive Career Development Traits

Proactive Career Development Traits

For a proactive job seeker, seeking to advance your career goes without saying. Read More

Resume Design Principles

Resume Design Principles

Create a resume that communicates what you have to offer while also reflecting your unique... Read More

Pick 'Em Drill

Pick 'Em Drill

View a drill from Play Ball. Read More

Visualization aids in reaching goals

Visualization aids in reaching goals

A visualization starts at the beginning of your routine or workout. Read More

Much to consider when choosing a system

Much to consider when choosing a system

Since each system has its pros and cons, it is impossible to generally recommend one... Read More