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Common fallacies in fitness training

Common fallacies in fitness training

Find out the truth about two common training misconceptions. Read More



Learn the basics of baseball Read More



A glimpse into a sport that 3.5 million people around the world enjoy. Read More

Developing the catch and power phase

Developing the catch and power phase

The power in swimming comes from the core group of muscles, which this book defines... Read More

Develop ideal body position and kick

Develop ideal body position and kick

Over the past decade, the butterfly stroke has evolved to a more efficient, flatter stroke... Read More

Tips for structuring a swim training plan

Tips for structuring a swim training plan

When structuring your training plan, first determine the length of the program and then divide... Read More

Muscle soreness: causes and treatment

Muscle soreness: causes and treatment

Learn what causes muscle soreness and how to minimize it. Read More

Learn to assess muscle length

Learn to assess muscle length

Muscle length testing involves elongating the muscle in the direction opposite of its action while... Read More

Restoration of muscle balance

Restoration of muscle balance

Treatment of muscle weakness aims at stimulating and increasing the response of the muscle spindle... Read More