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Proper preparation, etiquette necessary when hiking with pet

Proper preparation, etiquette necessary when hiking with pet

Is your dog ready for the trail? Is the trail ready for your dog? Here... Read More

Boots most important piece of hiker's gear

Boots most important piece of hiker's gear

Every trip comes down to how comfortable you are with your footwear. Read More

Safety must be primary concern in any tumbling program

Safety must be primary concern in any tumbling program

Safety is an extremely important aspect of any tumbling program. Read More

Basic technique of the backwards roll

Basic technique of the backwards roll

The backward roll is more difficult for students to learn than the forward roll, even... Read More

The most important step in building a program is developing a style of play

The most important step in building a program is...

The first and most important step in building a basketball program is developing a system,... Read More

Stationary moves are a key offensive skill

Stationary moves are a key offensive skill

After a player has caught the ball and squared up to the basket in the... Read More

Full-court plays give the opportunity to score with very little time left

Full-court plays give the opportunity to score with very...

When a team scores a field goal and goes ahead of us with less than... Read More

Use an anxiety journal to help cope

Use an anxiety journal to help cope

Using a journal to process anxious moments can help you pinpoint sources of anxiety and... Read More

Mimicking a T-Form Shot

Mimicking a T-Form Shot

The best way to learn the basic T-form shot is to first mimic it without... Read More