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Physical activity and nutrition education help students become healthy, active adults

Physical activity and nutrition education help students become healthy,...

This book and CD-ROM package will help you promote fitness and nutrition among students and... Read More

Recreation managers can use rewards to improve employee motivation, retention

Recreation managers can use rewards to improve employee motivation,...

Reward systems serve several purposes in organizations. Effective reward systems help an organization be more... Read More

Promotion of recreational programs should focus on benefits

Promotion of recreational programs should focus on benefits

Promotion communicates the value of the product - it is the mouthpiece of the product... Read More

Writing job descriptions essential part of hiring process for leisure services organizations

Writing job descriptions essential part of hiring process for...

A well-written, thorough description clearly communicates the scope of responsibilities associated with a particular job.... Read More

Take a leadership position and learn to deal with resistance

Take a leadership position and learn to deal with...

When you are first learning to lead, in order for you to be perceived by... Read More

Mastering the sitting trot or jog

Mastering the sitting trot or jog

Up to now, if you have been following the program, you have always had someone... Read More

How to post in stirrups

How to post in stirrups

Different disciplines ride with stirrups of different lengths, which affect posting. Read More

Get started by understanding the basics

Get started by understanding the basics

To begin with, riding is not one sport, but many, each with its own levels... Read More

Reenter effectively with each stroke

Reenter effectively with each stroke

In swimming, even the motions you make in the air are important. Read More