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Successful sport managers make planning a priority

Successful sport managers make planning a priority

Plans are either standing plans, which are designed to be used repeatedly, or single-use plans,... Read More

An organization's mission guides the strategic process

An organization's mission guides the strategic process

In strategic planning, management develops a mission and long-term objectives and determines in advance how... Read More

Action plan helps agencies prove value of recreational services

Action plan helps agencies prove value of recreational services

The California Park & Recreation Society’s 6-step plan for positioning your department as a key... Read More

Proper posture important in golf

Proper posture important in golf

Believe it or not, posture has a positive influence on power production. One look at... Read More

The effects of altitude on performance

The effects of altitude on performance

When we attempt to analyze how any type of training affects performance in any sport,... Read More

The ten basic laws of running

The ten basic laws of running

In addition to the important ingredients of success in running, I have come up with... Read More

Determining Goals

Determining Goals

Although a person may have numerous possible combinations of needs and goals that drive their... Read More

Improve the overall look of your body by sculpting your abdominal muscles

Improve the overall look of your body by sculpting...

The core and abdominal muscles play an important role in the body’s aesthetics. Getting a... Read More

5k and 10k training

5k and 10k training

Racing a 5K is very different from racing a 10K, but training can be similar... Read More