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Making sense of why runners collapse

Making sense of why runners collapse

Why would anyone expect the symptom of thirst to be present in collapsed runners? Thirst... Read More

Seven clear symptoms of Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia

Seven clear symptoms of Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia

Having established how much and what endurance athletes should drink to optimize health and performance,... Read More

LTAD model encourages lifelong physical activity for children

LTAD model encourages lifelong physical activity for children

The LTAD model and philosophy acknowledge first that physical education, school sports, competitive sports, and... Read More

How a strength-based approach enable us to be proactive in managing stress

How a strength-based approach enable us to be proactive...

Medicines such as aspirin and anti-anxiety medications, however, treat the symptoms of stress but do... Read More

Sleep; the ultimate stress management tool

Sleep; the ultimate stress management tool

The term sleep hygiene may sound weird, but hygiene refers to any consistent practices you... Read More

Affirmations change negative thinking to positive thinking

Affirmations change negative thinking to positive thinking

Affirmations are powerful, succinct statements of things we want to have happen in our lives. Read More

Use aerodynamics and bike fit for speed

Use aerodynamics and bike fit for speed

How fast you finish the cycling portion of a race depends on the power you’re... Read More

Overcome prerace anxiety

Overcome prerace anxiety

Everyone deals with prerace jitters differently. To stay calm and focused before a race, I... Read More

A practical introduction to the tools used in composing dances

A practical introduction to the tools used in composing...

Engage your students by allowing them to witness a progression that takes them from conceiving... Read More