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Choose the right tennis racket

Choose the right tennis racket

Three overall recommendations for selecting the right racket. Read More

Late specialization is recommended for most sports

Late specialization is recommended for most sports

Hill (as cited in Hill & Simons, 1989) described specialization as athletes limiting participation to... Read More

Age categories should be considered when designing sport programs

Age categories should be considered when designing sport programs

The biological differences between a 9-year-old and a 15-year-old are huge, and yet in spite... Read More

Long-term athlete development follows seven stages

Long-term athlete development follows seven stages

To implement the LTAD model, people must fully understand the seven stages. Read More

Diet and heart health

Diet and heart health

Cardiovascular disease (CVD; cardio = heart; vascular = blood vessels) is the number one killer... Read More

Go by your gut with preexercise foods

Go by your gut with preexercise foods

Preexercise foods that settle comfortably can enhance stamina, endurance, strength, and enjoyment. Read More

Vitamin and mineral supplements

Vitamin and mineral supplements

Vitamins are metabolic catalysts that regulate biochemical reactions within the body; they are found in... Read More

How much should I weigh?

How much should I weigh?

The fat measurement helps put in perspective the proportion of an athlete’s body that is... Read More

Therapeutic recreation professionals must build positive relationships with politicians

Therapeutic recreation professionals must build positive relationships with politicians

Success in politics for therapeutic recreation professionals hinges on the development of good relationships with... Read More