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Using the Side-of-Face Anchor

Using the Side-of-Face Anchor

Although the under-chin anchors are very precise, they do take time to position properly. Some... Read More

Combine physical activity with health lessons

Combine physical activity with health lessons

In integrating fitness and nutrition concepts as part of a healthy lifestyle, the lessons in... Read More

The underappreciated role of exercise in diabetes prevention

The underappreciated role of exercise in diabetes prevention

In the United States and Europe, between 5% and 8% of the adult population is... Read More

Hormonal consequences of different timings of exercise and nutrients

Hormonal consequences of different timings of exercise and nutrients

Hormonal responses to exercise follow a predictable pattern according to intensity-dependent energy requirements when exercise... Read More

Effectiveness of different approaches to weight reduction in obese humans

Effectiveness of different approaches to weight reduction in obese...

The nonhomeostatic control of feeding and the operation of hedonic neural substrates that facilitate food... Read More

Stretching exercises for each body part

Stretching exercises for each body part

Plan on spending 30 to 60 seconds stretching each part of the body (neck, eyes,... Read More

Limit injuries with good stroke technique

Limit injuries with good stroke technique

Use sound technique to minimize shock to your body. Read More

Select the right training facility

Select the right training facility

When evaluating where to train, pay attention to the number and type of people who... Read More

Role of the heart in exercise

Role of the heart in exercise

The term cardio does describe one part of aerobic fitness, but it ignores the important... Read More