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Preventing pelvic floor dysfunction

Preventing pelvic floor dysfunction

Pregnancy is an ideal time to learn about and train the pelvic floor. It will... Read More

Train the core with core breath

Train the core with core breath

The core breath is the ultimate foundational exercise. It trains the Core 4 to work... Read More

Exercise guidelines by trimester

Exercise guidelines by trimester

These basic training guidelines are good to follow during each trimester. Read More

Adaptive and Maladaptive Behavior

Adaptive and Maladaptive Behavior

Behaviors, social skills, and how well a student plays with equipment are important yet often... Read More

Roles in the Assessment Process

Roles in the Assessment Process

Interpretation of test data provides a major means of getting to know the student. Yet... Read More

Cognitive Assessments

Cognitive Assessments

Cognitive assessments may include a variety of formal and informal assessments of a person’s perceptual... Read More

Case Study

Case Study

Matching the Assessment Tool to the Assessment Decision Read More

Skill Development and Assessment

Skill Development and Assessment

For students to have the confidence and competence to apply skills, we first must take... Read More

Being a Health Reporter

Being a Health Reporter

Objective: Students will be able to apply and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the... Read More