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Future challenges in ethical operations of sport organizations

Future challenges in ethical operations of sport organizations

Sport organizations will undoubtedly continue to face ethical challenges in the realm of organizational behavior.... Read More

Making the Catch with the Pat-and-Go Drill

Making the Catch with the Pat-and-Go Drill

Catching the ball on the back hip is my favorite catching skill to drill because... Read More



Catching is the second half of the ball movement process. Read More

Child's and Child's, Extended

Child's and Child's, Extended

Child’s (Balasana) and Child’s, Extended (Utthita Balasana) asanas. Read More

Triangle, Extended and Revolved

Triangle, Extended and Revolved

Triangle, Extended (Utthita Trikonasana) Triangle, Revolved (Parivrtta Trikonasana) asanas. Read More

Technology can boost physical activity promotion

Technology can boost physical activity promotion

Technology is a double-edged sword. Computers, for example, contribute to sedentary leisure-time behaviors (e.g., playing... Read More

Examples of bio-inspired solutions that are more efficient than current ones

Examples of bio-inspired solutions that are more efficient than...

Biomimicry derives its name from two Greek words: bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning imitation.... Read More

Learn different variations of cross-country skiing in water

Learn different variations of cross-country skiing in water

Check out several variations of this classic aquatic exercise. Read More

Balance and proprioception training for efficient energy transfer

Balance and proprioception training for efficient energy transfer

Every great ball striker has the ability to control each body segment but must also... Read More